
The key element in a logistics chain is TRANSPORTATION system, which joints the separated activities. TRANSPORTATION occupies one-third of the amount in the logistics costs and TRANSPORTATION systems influence the performance of logistics system.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Hello, mate. Welcome back on part 3 of road transportation discussion. Do you guys still remember our previous discussion about the risk in road transportation? Well, we were discussing about the road accident and the reason why it happen. When an accident occur, the product will be damage. Unfortunately,  in some cases, the product was not damage but somehow we loss it. So, for this part we will be discussed about how we or any parties involved in logistics activity want to minimize the risk of damage, loss and claims.

As we know, the damages and loss will increase the overall transportation cost. So first of all, we need to check the packaging. Shipments should be in a container that is suitable for its contents. Never exceed the container's maximum gross weight, which is identified in the Box Maker's Certificate printed on the bottom flap of the box.

Containers or boxes should be large enough to allow room for adequate cushioning material on all sides of the contents. They should be in good, rigid condition with no punctures, tears, rips, or corner damage. All flaps should be intact.

Each item within the container should be wrapped separately. Fragile articles need both proper separation from each other and clearance from the corners and sides of the box. Glass items must not touch other glass items. Proper cushioning material, combined with a strong outer container, will protect the shipment.

Proper closure and banding of the container is as important as adequate cushioning. Boxes should be closed securely with strong tape—such as pressure-sensitive plastic, water-activated paper tape or water-activated reinforced tape—two inches or more in width. Never use masking tape, cellophane tape, string or paper over wrap.

 Second is, we must check the shipment labelling. To ensure an appropriate delivery , the freights or goods need to be labelled according to the goods own information means it must have to do appropriately. So how to do the labelling process appropriately? Let's follow these guidelines.

Last but not least is on the inbound or receiving side. Change of custody is a critical moment in the logistics process, and is perhaps the single most important consideration when your freight arrives. It is imperative that you have qualified and trained employees to thoroughly inspect the freight.

Each shipment must be compared to the air bill or truck bill. Is the correct number of boxes accounted for? Are the boxes damaged? If the bands are broken or if boxes are open, are all the contents accounted for? Most importantly, are these inspections being done thoroughly prior to signing for the shipment?

The next critical element is making sure that all the freight is moved and stored properly. If unpacked, adhere to the special cargo handling labels, as well as to proper stacking and palletizing procedures.

The best way to ensure that you are taking all measures to prevent loss and damage on your end is to select qualified individuals to manage the process. You also need to provide clear direction through training manuals and reference guides.

Actually, there are many ways to reduce the loss and damage, but what just I wrote now  is only for the sharing process. Maybe you can give and provide any other ways and ideas. Ok, let's end this road transportation discussion and stay tuned for more from us, mate.


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