
The key element in a logistics chain is TRANSPORTATION system, which joints the separated activities. TRANSPORTATION occupies one-third of the amount in the logistics costs and TRANSPORTATION systems influence the performance of logistics system.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Malaysia Airlines scales new height with Malaysian Hospitality

Hai. We coming again with new information to you all. Today we will talk about Malaysia Airlines scales new height with Malaysian Hospitality. There are some info about this.

• Malaysia Airlines usually has been synonyms with Malaysian Hospitality a distinct philosophy that is team delivers across the network of over more than 60 destination. Form of with the name of Malaysian Hospitality it will make Malaysia Airlines in the market and ramp up its brand presence and brand preference.

• With the Journey Campaign, Malaysia Airlines will covering market across Malaysia and ASEAN, Britain, Europe, and China.

• Malaysia Airlines having won the Skytarx would airlines Award as a 5 star Airlines in 2012 and 2013, as well as winning the best Cabin Staff award also by Skytarx to out of 11 times since 2001.

In past, Malaysia Airlines introduced positioning *Journey are made by the people you travel with*. Malaysia Airlines having well known in the world. It practice service leader, one of them is tailored service which means Malaysia Airlines divided two classes : business and economic. It make the people feel comfortable with the good and high service plus with the available price . Also, Journey Campaign that build by Malaysia Airlines is the beginning of an extensive campaign that expand beyond Malaysia, while compare with others airlines country, it does not have big different. So Malaysia Airlines can stand with other international airlines. Malaysia Airlines commercial director, Dr Hush said that the romance of airlines travel has been sacrifices to move way for a cost consideration and to grow passenger volume. So that Malaysia Airlines is trusted airlines.

This is some extra info about Skytarx :
Skytarx is a united kingdom based consultancy (known as In flight research service) which run as an airlines and airport review ranking site, the most prestigious brand associated with the recognition and reviews of air travel standards worldwide. It carries out international traveler surveys to find the best cabin staff, airport, airline lounge, in flight entertainment, on board catering & several other elements of air travel. It has an airline forum where passenger give other potential passenger the feel of an airline before choosing to fix with them.

As you know, Skytarx has recently released the annual report of the World Airport Awards, because it released by the end of the year, so we share the World Best Airport in year 2012.

1. Incheon International Airport in Seoul
2. Singapore's Changi Airport
3. Hong Kong International Airport
4. Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport
5. Beijing Capital International Airport
6. Munich International Airport
7. Zurich International Airport
8. Kuala Lumpur International Airport
9. Vancouver International Airport
10. Central Japan International Airport


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