
The key element in a logistics chain is TRANSPORTATION system, which joints the separated activities. TRANSPORTATION occupies one-third of the amount in the logistics costs and TRANSPORTATION systems influence the performance of logistics system.

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Do you know? Innovation is the application of new solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments and society. The term innovation can be defined as something original and new that "breaks in to" the market or into society. One usually associates to new phenomena that are important in some way. A definition of the term, in line with these aspects, would be the following: "An innovation is something original, new, and important - in whatever field - that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society. So for all we know, Malaysia have the agreement will see the Spanish IT Indra implement integrated online advanced systems management, data center and communications technology and energy management systems, the other systems. With new technology, Infrastructure expects to have a better control over the rail transportation system real time, leading to more efficient operations and lower costs of IT operations. Sepanyol Indra firm has won the contract to design, build and commission a new integrated control center for the Monorail, Ampang and Kelana Jaya line light rail system in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Two-year contract worth € 28 million, was awarded by the Malaysian National Infrastructure COMPANY firm infrastructure Berhad (Prasarana), and including two years warranty maintenance. All freight lines operated by the infrastructure will be integrated into the new control center, along with the addition of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line, commuter rail and future transportation system in the country. (Spanish firms have already implemented ticketing and access control systems for infrastructure in the Monorail and Light Rail Transit lines in Kuala Lumpur). The agreement will see Indra implement integrated online advanced systems management, data center and communications technologies and energy management system, among other systems. The new control center will be commissioned by Indra will have a sophisticated system of management, which can be used for full integration of all network control and operations elements, and integrated management of all lines. The company will also be responsible for combing the current signaling system and allows remote monitoring and optimization of rolling stock and staff schedules. besides that, the UK infrastructure manager Network Rail has introduced a new technical strategy, which highlights the research and development (R & D) priorities and opportunities for the railroad industry in the last 30 years. This strategy focuses on R & D investment to meet Network Rail main priorities of safety, performance, customer experience, capacity, cost efficiency and sustainability. Following the launch of the entire release train technical strategy (RTS) in December 2012. Network Rail chairman Richard Parry-Jones said that there must be a strong relationship between long-term planning . Their technical ability to be more ambitious on the strengthened cooperation at all levels, across disciplines within Network Rail, the Rail Network and the rail industry, with Europe and the world outside the train and the rail industry to other technology sectors. Under the railway industry has invested in research and development by any standards, according to Network Rail. The new strategy seems to identify priorities for funding, which would bring the UK infrastructure manager close to global norms for investments in R & D. The launch follows the release of the entire train technical strategy (RTS) in December 2012 Businesses will continue to work with the Office of Rail Regulation to obtain financing for major projects, which will have cases of their own business. This strategy requires better security through intelligent level crossing and automated monitoring infrastructure, better performance through sustainable schedule, and better customer information through public and optimized information flow across the industry in real time. Network Rail is looking at increasing capacity of the rail network with a new control system allows the train to move closer together, and expect an increase in the cost-effectiveness of asset management, as well as continuing measures to reduce carbon emissions. This case turns, in rail transport development program, they place great emphasis earth from danger.


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